- 3ds,3DS (3D-Studio) 文件
- amiramesh, Amira Mesh 文件,用于 Amira 图形包。
- ascii_art_grayscale, 灰度 ASCII Art 文件,其图像由可以打印的字符构成。
- ase, ASE 文件
- avi, AVI 文件。 “AVI” 表示的是“音频/视觉交错”格式,是一种通用的动画格式。
- bamg, 几何文件,可以被用于输入 BAMG 体素应用。
- bezier_surface, 贝塞尔曲面文件,包含两个文件的简单格式,适合存储用于三维图形的贝塞尔曲面的定义
- bmp, BMP 文件。是一种位图图像格式,由 Microsoft 公司开发,常用于 Windows 操作系统存储的图标。
- byu, BYU 文件。更详细地描述,我们关心的是 Movie.BYU 曲面几何文件
- cc, 采用压缩列(Compressed Column,CC)存储稀疏矩阵的文件格式,是一个三文件的格式
- cdl, CDL 文件。由 NCDUMP 创建的NETCDF 文件的文本文件
- ccgmb, 二进制 CGM 文件。使用二进制计算机图形元(Computer Graphics Metafile)文件格式创建的二维图像文件格式
- cnf, CNF 文件。DIMACS CNF 文件格式,使用合取范式定义可以满足问题的例子
- crs, 使用压缩的行存储(Compressed Row Storage,CRS)格式来存储稀疏矩阵,是一个三文件的格式
- csv, CSV 文件,一种逗号分隔值(Comma Separated Values,CSV)的平面文件格式
- dlap, DLAP 文件,由 DLAP 使用的稀疏矩阵文件格式
- dolfin_xml XML 文件,由 DOLFIN 和 FENICS 使用的用于描述三维有限元素网格
- dot, DOT 文件
- dsp, DSP 文件,稀疏矩阵文件格式,存储仅为 (I,J,A(I,J)),并且使用从一开始的索引
- dxf, DXF 文件
- eps, EPS 文件,用于二维图形的封装的发布的脚本(Encapsulated PostScript) 文件格式
- fd1d, 一维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
- fd2d, 二维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
- fd3d, 三维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
- fem1d, 一维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
- fem2d, 二维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
- fem3d, 三维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
- fig, FIG 文件
- fit, FIT 文件,由 NASA 用于存储和传输天文的和天气的图像
- freefem++_mesh, 由 FreeFem++ 应用程序创建的保存网格文件的样例,用于扩展“.msh”文件
- gif, GIF 文件,二维图形文件格式
- gif_animation, GIF_ANIMATION 文件,二维图形动画格式
- gmod, GMOD 文件
- gpl, GPL 文件,GNUPLOT 使用的图形文件格式
- graph_representation, 表示抽象数学图形的方法示例
- grf, GRF 文件,二维图形的抽象文件格式
- grf1, GRF1 文件
- grf2, GRF2 文件
- grf2s, GRF2S 文件
- hb, HB 文件,Harwell Boeing 稀疏矩阵文件格式
- hdf, HDF 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
- hdf4, HDF4 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
- hdf5, HDF5 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
- hex_mesh, HEX_MESH 文件,定义了六边形的平面网格
- hrc, HRC 文件,SoftImage HRC (“hierarchical)” 文件.
- ice, ICE 文件, 用于冰盖网格的 NETCDF 文件格式
- iges, IGES 文件
- iv, IV or INVENTOR 文件,三维图形文件格式
- jpg, JPG or JPEG 文件,高质量二维图形的文件格式
- mat, MAT 文件,MATLAB 的数据存储格式
- medit, MEDIT 文件,由 MEDIT 应用程序使用三角形、四边形、四面体或者六面体定义的二维或者三维网格用于有限元方法(Finite Element Method,FEM)
- mesh, MESH 文件,定义的有限元网格
- meshlab, MESHLAB程序使用的文件样例
- met, MET 文件,Helmut Michels 的 DISLIN 绘图包使用的图形文件格式
- metis_graph, METIS GRAPH 文件,METIS 读取的图形文件格式,可以存储分割的图形
- metis_mesh, METIS MESH 文件,METIS 读取的有限元网格的文件格式,可以存储, the format for finite element meshes to be read by METIS 分割的网格的元素
- mm, MM 文件,矩阵市场稀疏矩阵文件格式
- mov, MOV 文件,图形动画格式
- mp4, MP4 文件,视频文件格式
- mpg, MPG 文件,视频文件格式files, a video file format.
- msh, MSH 文件,gmsh 使用的原生的三维网格格式
- mtl, MTL 文件,用于描述图形纹理上的元素的文件格式
- mtv, MTV 文件,PLOTMTV 使用的图形文件格式
- netcdf, netCDF 文件,用于科学数据交换的文件格式
- netcdf_gis GIS 文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
- netcdf_glimmer GLIMMER 数据文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
- netcdf_mpas MPAS 栅格文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
- obj, OBJ 文件,用于三维图形的 Wavefront 文件格式
- off, OFF 文件,三维图形文件格式,用于表示给定了表面多边形的模型的几何体。这里的多边形可以有任意数量的顶点。
- oogl, OOGL 文件,三维图形文件格式
- p3d, P3D 文件,Pittsburgh 三维图形文件格式
- pam, PAM 文件,便携任意图(Portable Any Map) 文件格式
- pbma, ASCII PBM 文件, ASCII 便携点阵图(Portable Bit Map )二维图形,黑与白
- pbmb, PBM 样例文件,二进制便携点阵图(Portable Bit Map )二维图形,黑与白
- pcd, PCD 文件,点云数据(Point Cloud Data )格式,点云库(Point Cloud Library,PCL)开发的特定文件格式
- pcx, PCX 文件,PC机画笔(Paintbrush)应用创建的用于图像的文件格式
- pdb, PDB 文件,用于蛋白质数据库(Protein Database)
- pdf, PDF 文件,便携文档格式(Portable Document Format),包含二维文本和图形
- pgh_mri, PGH MRI 文件,用于存储由磁共振收集的脑扫描数据
- pgma, ASCII PGM 文件样例,ASCII 便携灰度图(Portable Gray Map),二维图形
- pgmb, PGM 文件,二进制便携灰度图(Portable Gray Map),二维图形
- plc, PLC 文件,用于描述一个分段线性复数,它是一个将被网格化的三维区域的边界
- plot3d, PLOT3D 文件,PLOT3D程序所使用的各种格式
- ply, PLY 文件,定义多边形集合的对象格式,三维图形
- png, PNG 文件,便携网格图形(Portable Network Graphics),二维图形
- pnm, PNM 文件,便携任意图格式
- poly, POLY 文件,通过三角形用于平面直线图(Planar Straight Line Graph)的二维文件格式
- poly_3d, 三维 POLY 文件,通过 tetgen 用于分段线性复数(Piecewise Linear Complex)的三维文件格式
- polygonal_surface, POLYGONAL SURFACE 文件,包含了两个文件的简单文件格式,适合存储曲面的定义,曲面是由固定顺序的多边形集合组成,三维图形文件格式
- pov, POV 文件,视觉残留(Persistence of Vision )三维图形文件格式
- ppma, ASCII PPM 文件,ASCII 便携像素图(Portable Pixel Map)存储二维图形与颜色
- ppmb, 二进制 PPM 文件,二进制便携像素图(Portable Pixel Map),存储二维图形与颜色
- ps, PS 文件,PostScript 文件,存储二维图形
- quad_mesh, QUAD_MESH 文件,存储二维四边形网格
- quad_mesh_order1, QUAD_MESH 文件,存储二维四边形网格,具有关联的数据值,该数据值在网格的每个元素上都是常量
- quad_surface, a data directory of examples of QUAD_SURFACE files, a quadrilateral mesh in 3D, used to define a surface.
- rb, a data directory which contains examples of RB files, which use the Rutherford-Boeing sparse matrix file format.
- rgb, a data directory which contains examples of RGB files, which were used by Silicon Graphics Incorporated to store textures.
- smf, a data directory which contains examples of SMF files, which was used by Michael Garland as an input and output format for his surface simplifying program QSLIM.
- sparse_ellpack, a data directory which contains examples of SPARSE_ELLPACK files, a format used by ELLPACK for sparse matrices.
- st, a data directory of examples of Sparse Triplet (ST) files, a sparse matrix file format, storing just (I,J,A(I,J)), and using zero-based indexing.
- stl,
- stla, a data directory which contains examples of ASCII STL files, which are ASCII Stereolithography files for 3D graphics;
- stlb, a data directory of examples of binary STL files, binary Stereolithography files, 3D graphics;
- svg, a data directory of examples of SVG files, Scalable Vector Graphics, 2D graphics, that can be included in an HTML file;
- table, a data directory which contains examples of TABLE files, which store doubly indexed data.
- tec, a data directory which contains examples of TEC files, which store 2D or 3D graphics with attributes;
- tet_mesh_tet_neighbors, a data directory which contains examples of TET_MESH_TET_NEIGHBOR files, description of a format for tetrahedron adjacency information in a tetrahedral mesh of 3D points;
- tga, a data directory which contains examples of TGA or TARGA files, a bit map graphics file format.
- tif, a data directory which contains examples of TIF or TIFF files, a format for high resolution photographs and images.
- tri_surface, a data directory which contains examples of TRI_SURFACE files, a 3D surface defined by a collection of triangles.
- tria, a data directory which contains examples of TRIA files, which is an ASCII file format for the rendering of 3D surfaces as a collection of triangles.
- triangle_files, a data directory of examples of files used by the triangle and showme programs.
- triangulation_order3, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER3 files, description of a linear triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 3 nodes that make up each triangle;
- triangulation_order4, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER4 files, description of a triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 4 nodes that define each triangle (3 vertices and the centroid);
- triangulation_order6, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER6 files, a description of a quadratic triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 6 nodes that make up each triangle; Six-node triangles are used when a higher degree approximation is desired; they may also be used as isoparametric elements that model curved boundaries;
- trib, a data directory which contains examples of TRIB files, a binary file format for the rendering of 3D surfaces as a collection of triangles.
- ts, a data directory of examples of TS or THREESCRIPT files, which is a 3D graphics file format once used by Mathematica.
- txt, a data directory which contains examples of TXT files, which are simple text files.
- ucd, a data directory which contains examples of UCD files, which are a graphics file format used by AVS;
- vla, a data directory which contains examples of VLA files, which are used by the Evans and Sutherland Digistar II Planetarium projection system.
- vtk, a data directory which contains examples of “legacy” (old style) VTK files, a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit;
- vts, a data directory which contains examples of VTS files, a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit, which contains information associated with a curvilinear or structured grid, which can be displayed by the paraview program;
- vtu, (archived), a data directory which contains examples of XML-based VTU files, which are a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit for unstructured grid data;
- vu, a data directory which contains examples of VU files, which are a file format used by the VU program;
- wav, a data directory which contains examples of WAV files, which store audio information.
- wrl_1, a data directory which contains examples of WRL_1 files, which is version 1.0 of a format known as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language).
- wrl_2, a data directory which contains examples of WRL_2 files, which is version 2.0 of a format known as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language).
- x3d, a data directory of examples of X3D files.
- xbm, a data directory which contains examples of XBM files, which is a bitmap file format used by X Windows.
- xgl, a data directory which contains examples of XGL files, which use XML to store 3D graphics information as created by OpenGL.
- xml, a data directory which contains examples of XML files, which are a standard general datafile format.
- xpm, a data directory which contains examples of XPM files, which is a pixel format used by X Windows.
- xwd, a data directory which contains examples of XWD files, which are X Window Dump files.
- xy, a data directory which contains examples of XY files, which record points in 2D space.
- xyf, a data directory which contains examples of XYF files, which records points and faces in 2D space.
- xyl, a data directory which contains examples of XYL files, which records points and lines in 2D space.
- xyz, a data directory which contains examples of XYZ files, which record points in 3D space.