
ZhuYuanxiang 2023-02-14 11:48:04
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  1. 3ds,3DS (3D-Studio) 文件
  2. amiramesh, Amira Mesh 文件,用于 Amira 图形包。
  3. ascii_art_grayscale, 灰度 ASCII Art 文件,其图像由可以打印的字符构成。
  4. ase, ASE 文件
  5. avi, AVI 文件。 “AVI” 表示的是“音频/视觉交错”格式,是一种通用的动画格式。
  6. bamg, 几何文件,可以被用于输入 BAMG 体素应用。
  7. bezier_surface, 贝塞尔曲面文件,包含两个文件的简单格式,适合存储用于三维图形的贝塞尔曲面的定义
  8. bmp, BMP 文件。是一种位图图像格式,由 Microsoft 公司开发,常用于 Windows 操作系统存储的图标。
  9. byu, BYU 文件。更详细地描述,我们关心的是 Movie.BYU 曲面几何文件
  10. cc, 采用压缩列(Compressed Column,CC)存储稀疏矩阵的文件格式,是一个三文件的格式
  11. cdl, CDL 文件。由 NCDUMP 创建的NETCDF 文件的文本文件
  12. ccgmb, 二进制 CGM 文件。使用二进制计算机图形元(Computer Graphics Metafile)文件格式创建的二维图像文件格式
  13. cnf, CNF 文件。DIMACS CNF 文件格式,使用合取范式定义可以满足问题的例子
  14. crs, 使用压缩的行存储(Compressed Row Storage,CRS)格式来存储稀疏矩阵,是一个三文件的格式
  15. csv, CSV 文件,一种逗号分隔值(Comma Separated Values,CSV)的平面文件格式
  16. dlap, DLAP 文件,由 DLAP 使用的稀疏矩阵文件格式
  17. dolfin_xml XML 文件,由 DOLFIN 和 FENICS 使用的用于描述三维有限元素网格
  18. dot, DOT 文件
  19. dsp, DSP 文件,稀疏矩阵文件格式,存储仅为 (I,J,A(I,J)),并且使用从一开始的索引
  20. dxf, DXF 文件
  21. eps, EPS 文件,用于二维图形的封装的发布的脚本(Encapsulated PostScript) 文件格式
  22. fd1d, 一维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
  23. fd2d, 二维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
  24. fd3d, 三维 FD 文件,两个文本文件可以被用于描述许多有限差分(Finite Difference)模型
  25. fem1d, 一维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
  26. fem2d, 二维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
  27. fem3d, 三维 FEM 文件,三个文本文件集合可以被用于描述许多有限元模型(Finite Difference Models)
  28. fig, FIG 文件
  29. fit, FIT 文件,由 NASA 用于存储和传输天文的和天气的图像
  30. freefem++_mesh, 由 FreeFem++ 应用程序创建的保存网格文件的样例,用于扩展“.msh”文件
  31. gif, GIF 文件,二维图形文件格式
  32. gif_animation, GIF_ANIMATION 文件,二维图形动画格式
  33. gmod, GMOD 文件
  34. gpl, GPL 文件,GNUPLOT 使用的图形文件格式
  35. graph_representation, 表示抽象数学图形的方法示例
  36. grf, GRF 文件,二维图形的抽象文件格式
  37. grf1, GRF1 文件
  38. grf2, GRF2 文件
  39. grf2s, GRF2S 文件
  40. hb, HB 文件,Harwell Boeing 稀疏矩阵文件格式
  41. hdf, HDF 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
  42. hdf4, HDF4 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
  43. hdf5, HDF5 文件,通用的科学数据文件格式
  44. hex_mesh, HEX_MESH 文件,定义了六边形的平面网格
  45. hrc, HRC 文件,SoftImage HRC (“hierarchical)” 文件.
  46. ice, ICE 文件, 用于冰盖网格的 NETCDF 文件格式
  47. iges, IGES 文件
  48. iv, IV or INVENTOR 文件,三维图形文件格式
  49. jpg, JPG or JPEG 文件,高质量二维图形的文件格式
  50. mat, MAT 文件,MATLAB 的数据存储格式
  51. medit, MEDIT 文件,由 MEDIT 应用程序使用三角形、四边形、四面体或者六面体定义的二维或者三维网格用于有限元方法(Finite Element Method,FEM)
  52. mesh, MESH 文件,定义的有限元网格
  53. meshlab, MESHLAB程序使用的文件样例
  54. met, MET 文件,Helmut Michels 的 DISLIN 绘图包使用的图形文件格式
  55. metis_graph, METIS GRAPH 文件,METIS 读取的图形文件格式,可以存储分割的图形
  56. metis_mesh, METIS MESH 文件,METIS 读取的有限元网格的文件格式,可以存储, the format for finite element meshes to be read by METIS 分割的网格的元素
  57. mm, MM 文件,矩阵市场稀疏矩阵文件格式
  58. mov, MOV 文件,图形动画格式
  59. mp4, MP4 文件,视频文件格式
  60. mpg, MPG 文件,视频文件格式files, a video file format.
  61. msh, MSH 文件,gmsh 使用的原生的三维网格格式
  62. mtl, MTL 文件,用于描述图形纹理上的元素的文件格式
  63. mtv, MTV 文件,PLOTMTV 使用的图形文件格式
  64. netcdf, netCDF 文件,用于科学数据交换的文件格式
  65. netcdf_gis GIS 文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
  66. netcdf_glimmer GLIMMER 数据文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
  67. netcdf_mpas MPAS 栅格文件,使用 NETCDF 格式存储
  68. obj, OBJ 文件,用于三维图形的 Wavefront 文件格式
  69. off, OFF 文件,三维图形文件格式,用于表示给定了表面多边形的模型的几何体。这里的多边形可以有任意数量的顶点。
  70. oogl, OOGL 文件,三维图形文件格式
  71. p3d, P3D 文件,Pittsburgh 三维图形文件格式
  72. pam, PAM 文件,便携任意图(Portable Any Map) 文件格式
  73. pbma, ASCII PBM 文件, ASCII 便携点阵图(Portable Bit Map )二维图形,黑与白
  74. pbmb, PBM 样例文件,二进制便携点阵图(Portable Bit Map )二维图形,黑与白
  75. pcd, PCD 文件,点云数据(Point Cloud Data )格式,点云库(Point Cloud Library,PCL)开发的特定文件格式
  76. pcx, PCX 文件,PC机画笔(Paintbrush)应用创建的用于图像的文件格式
  77. pdb, PDB 文件,用于蛋白质数据库(Protein Database)
  78. pdf, PDF 文件,便携文档格式(Portable Document Format),包含二维文本和图形
  79. pgh_mri, PGH MRI 文件,用于存储由磁共振收集的脑扫描数据
  80. pgma, ASCII PGM 文件样例,ASCII 便携灰度图(Portable Gray Map),二维图形
  81. pgmb, PGM 文件,二进制便携灰度图(Portable Gray Map),二维图形
  82. plc, PLC 文件,用于描述一个分段线性复数,它是一个将被网格化的三维区域的边界
  83. plot3d, PLOT3D 文件,PLOT3D程序所使用的各种格式
  84. ply, PLY 文件,定义多边形集合的对象格式,三维图形
  85. png, PNG 文件,便携网格图形(Portable Network Graphics),二维图形
  86. pnm, PNM 文件,便携任意图格式
  87. poly, POLY 文件,通过三角形用于平面直线图(Planar Straight Line Graph)的二维文件格式
  88. poly_3d, 三维 POLY 文件,通过 tetgen 用于分段线性复数(Piecewise Linear Complex)的三维文件格式
  89. polygonal_surface, POLYGONAL SURFACE 文件,包含了两个文件的简单文件格式,适合存储曲面的定义,曲面是由固定顺序的多边形集合组成,三维图形文件格式
  90. pov, POV 文件,视觉残留(Persistence of Vision )三维图形文件格式
  91. ppma, ASCII PPM 文件,ASCII 便携像素图(Portable Pixel Map)存储二维图形与颜色
  92. ppmb, 二进制 PPM 文件,二进制便携像素图(Portable Pixel Map),存储二维图形与颜色
  93. ps, PS 文件,PostScript 文件,存储二维图形
  94. quad_mesh, QUAD_MESH 文件,存储二维四边形网格
  95. quad_mesh_order1, QUAD_MESH 文件,存储二维四边形网格,具有关联的数据值,该数据值在网格的每个元素上都是常量
  96. quad_surface, a data directory of examples of QUAD_SURFACE files, a quadrilateral mesh in 3D, used to define a surface.
  97. rb, a data directory which contains examples of RB files, which use the Rutherford-Boeing sparse matrix file format.
  98. rgb, a data directory which contains examples of RGB files, which were used by Silicon Graphics Incorporated to store textures.
  99. smf, a data directory which contains examples of SMF files, which was used by Michael Garland as an input and output format for his surface simplifying program QSLIM.
  100. sparse_ellpack, a data directory which contains examples of SPARSE_ELLPACK files, a format used by ELLPACK for sparse matrices.
  101. st, a data directory of examples of Sparse Triplet (ST) files, a sparse matrix file format, storing just (I,J,A(I,J)), and using zero-based indexing.
  102. stl,
  103. stla, a data directory which contains examples of ASCII STL files, which are ASCII Stereolithography files for 3D graphics;
  104. stlb, a data directory of examples of binary STL files, binary Stereolithography files, 3D graphics;
  105. svg, a data directory of examples of SVG files, Scalable Vector Graphics, 2D graphics, that can be included in an HTML file;
  106. table, a data directory which contains examples of TABLE files, which store doubly indexed data.
  107. tec, a data directory which contains examples of TEC files, which store 2D or 3D graphics with attributes;
  108. tet_mesh_tet_neighbors, a data directory which contains examples of TET_MESH_TET_NEIGHBOR files, description of a format for tetrahedron adjacency information in a tetrahedral mesh of 3D points;
  109. tga, a data directory which contains examples of TGA or TARGA files, a bit map graphics file format.
  110. tif, a data directory which contains examples of TIF or TIFF files, a format for high resolution photographs and images.
  111. tri_surface, a data directory which contains examples of TRI_SURFACE files, a 3D surface defined by a collection of triangles.
  112. tria, a data directory which contains examples of TRIA files, which is an ASCII file format for the rendering of 3D surfaces as a collection of triangles.
  113. triangle_files, a data directory of examples of files used by the triangle and showme programs.
  114. triangulation_order3, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER3 files, description of a linear triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 3 nodes that make up each triangle;
  115. triangulation_order4, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER4 files, description of a triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 4 nodes that define each triangle (3 vertices and the centroid);
  116. triangulation_order6, a data directory of examples of TRIANGULATION_ORDER6 files, a description of a quadratic triangulation of a set of 2D points, using a pair of files to list the node coordinates and the 6 nodes that make up each triangle; Six-node triangles are used when a higher degree approximation is desired; they may also be used as isoparametric elements that model curved boundaries;
  117. trib, a data directory which contains examples of TRIB files, a binary file format for the rendering of 3D surfaces as a collection of triangles.
  118. ts, a data directory of examples of TS or THREESCRIPT files, which is a 3D graphics file format once used by Mathematica.
  119. txt, a data directory which contains examples of TXT files, which are simple text files.
  120. ucd, a data directory which contains examples of UCD files, which are a graphics file format used by AVS;
  121. vla, a data directory which contains examples of VLA files, which are used by the Evans and Sutherland Digistar II Planetarium projection system.
  122. vtk, a data directory which contains examples of “legacy” (old style) VTK files, a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit;
  123. vts, a data directory which contains examples of VTS files, a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit, which contains information associated with a curvilinear or structured grid, which can be displayed by the paraview program;
  124. vtu, (archived), a data directory which contains examples of XML-based VTU files, which are a file format used by the Visualization Toolkit for unstructured grid data;
  125. vu, a data directory which contains examples of VU files, which are a file format used by the VU program;
  126. wav, a data directory which contains examples of WAV files, which store audio information.
  127. wrl_1, a data directory which contains examples of WRL_1 files, which is version 1.0 of a format known as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language).
  128. wrl_2, a data directory which contains examples of WRL_2 files, which is version 2.0 of a format known as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language).
  129. x3d, a data directory of examples of X3D files.
  130. xbm, a data directory which contains examples of XBM files, which is a bitmap file format used by X Windows.
  131. xgl, a data directory which contains examples of XGL files, which use XML to store 3D graphics information as created by OpenGL.
  132. xml, a data directory which contains examples of XML files, which are a standard general datafile format.
  133. xpm, a data directory which contains examples of XPM files, which is a pixel format used by X Windows.
  134. xwd, a data directory which contains examples of XWD files, which are X Window Dump files.
  135. xy, a data directory which contains examples of XY files, which record points in 2D space.
  136. xyf, a data directory which contains examples of XYF files, which records points and faces in 2D space.
  137. xyl, a data directory which contains examples of XYL files, which records points and lines in 2D space.
  138. xyz, a data directory which contains examples of XYZ files, which record points in 3D space.



